This is the ultimate guide to theory for blues, rock and jazz guitarists. Using this book and DVD will demystify chord progressions. You’ll start with the basics and move up to advanced concepts with this easy, step-by-step approach. There are 28 different scales and modes plus over 30 chord types with fingerings for all. The book features easy-to-read musical examples, chord and scale diagrams and 26 worksheets reinforce ideas. The accompanying DVD features lots of close-ups, graphics and easy-to-follow musical examples. Subjects covered include chord theory (including triads and 7th chord construction and inversion), basic chord progressions (including the V-I, ii-V-I and the I-IV-V), theory application, major and natural minor scale construction, relative and parallel minor keys, diatonic harmony using triads and 7th chords, harmonic and melodic minor scales, and the modes of the major scale.
Condition: Used
$ 18.23 USD
SKU – COM9780739038383USED