The Rock Guitar Decks: Chord Deck and Scale Deck Double-Pack Used

The Rock Guitar Decks: Chord Deck and Scale Deck Double-Pack

(Music Sales America). This double-pack of a chord deck and scale deck for rock guitar is a great way to learn learn rock guitar! The wonderful and original design allows you to display any sequence of chords and scales, and see exactly how to play them. Simply fan out the pages there is no need for flipping or turning pages. It includes a section on moveable chords, barre chords, scales and arpeggios. The clear presentation and intuitive design mean that it is perfect for beginners and as a refresher for more experienced players. Small and slim enough to fit in the back of your amp or in your guitar case you should never leave home for a gig without it!


28.52 USD  Buy Now

SKU – COM9780825673139USED