The Top 10 Most-Searched Tattoos of 2018 from and the overall Top 10 Skin Art Designs guys should never get from Both demonstrate some significant differences in tattooing preferences between everyday people and inmates. If you’re looking for a unique design, start where skin art lives…
Unusual Sources of Inspiration for Tattoos Designs, Skin Adornments, and Ornamentation
1. Argyle, argyll – a design consisting of a pattern of varicolored diamonds on a solid background (originally for knitted articles) and patterned after a clan’s tartan in western Scotland.
2. Bear claw – an incised design resembling a bear’s claw; used in Native American pottery.
3. Damascene – a design produced by inlaying gold or silver into steel.
4. Decal, decalcomania – either a design fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design to be transferred to the surface.
5. Device – any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery.)
6. Emblem – unique design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc.
7. Herringbone, herringbone pattern – a pattern of columns of short parallel lines with all the lines in one column sloping one way and lines in adjacent columns sloping the other way; it is used in weaving, masonry, parquetry, and embroidery.
8. Linocut – a design carved in relief into a linoleum block.
9. Mandala – any geometric design (usually circular) symbolizing the universe. Used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.
10. Mihrab (Islam) – a design in the shape of a niche in a Muslim prayer rug; during worship, the niche must be pointed toward Mecca)
11. Motif, motive – a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration.
12. Pyrograph – a design produced by pyrography.
13. Sunburst – a design consisting of a central disk resembling the sun and rays emanating from it
14. Tetraskelion, tetraskele – a figure of four stylized human arms or legs (or bent lines) radiating from a center.
15. Triskelion, triskele – a figure consisting of three stylized human arms or legs (or three bent lines) radiating from a center.
16. Weave – a pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric.
While more tattoo designers in the top 10 pay list are primarily associated with the thriller genre than any other genre, three other genres are strong: horror, romance, and young adult.